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What if you could wake up every morning with a feeling of gratitude, openness and expansiveness? With an excitement about the coming day and the joys that await you? Surrounded by the warmth of understanding and compassion for yourself and others? Basking in the awareness that you are safe, loved and that all your needs are met at just the right moment? In a life like that, the need for distracting addictions, the urge to control, avoid or protect against life as it is or other people’s choices, naturally fades. What is the key to living like that?  It is dissolving the blocks that stand in the way of your connection to your Inner Wisdom with great tenderness and gentleness. It begins with your willingness to invite more of the energy of Truth and Love into your life and then taking the actions, one by one, that are loving to you and that support your highest good and the good of others. That is the path to self-love and it’s the path of Inner Bonding®

The Inner Bonding® program of self-healing was created by therapists Dr. Margaret Paul and Dr. Erika Chopich. After practicing as a traditional therapist for 17 years, Dr. Paul recognized that the standard therapy she provided her clients wasn’t really helping them make the progress she knew was possible. At the same time, she was searching for a way to heal some of her own deep pain from her dysfunctional childhood and change the things in her life that weren’t working. In the midst of this quest, the importance of taking responsibility for our own wounded pain and of being open to learning about what is loving to ourselves was revealed to her by Spirit. She prayed for someone to come into her life who would help her combine those elements into a complete process for self-healing and, in answer, she met Dr. Erika who had the other half of the process. In her younger years, Erika had instinctively known and found joy in caring for her Inner Child, that part of her that was her true self, her core self or what some might call her soul, and she had also enjoyed a deep connection to Spirit. Together they created a system that invites us to use our free will to be curious about and take responsibility for what’s really going on in our world, to make loving ourselves and others a top priority, explore the very good reasons why we are how we are, to reach out to our personal source of Guidance, to explore and move forward, based on what’s true and in our highest good. It’s brilliant, inspired and effective.

Image by Jade
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